The SDG Publishers Compact is a voluntary commitment that recognizes the responsibility of the publishing industry to create a sustainable future through action. Signatories aspire to develop sustainable practices and act as champions of the SDGs during the Decade of Action (2020-2030), publishing books and journals that will help inform, develop and inspire action in that direction.

Through its strong association with the United Nations, HESI aims to provide higher education with an interface between higher education, science, and policy making by raising the profile of higher education’s sector in supporting sustainable development, convening multi-stakeholder discussions and action, and sharing best practices.

The SDG Publishers Compact Fellows collaborates with HESI’s Rankings, Ratings, and Assessment (RRA) action group to change rankings systems to give more weight to, and incentivize contributions to the SDGs and establish ways to measure and reward real world outcomes of SDG-related content.

The International Publishers Association (IPA) is the world’s largest federation of national, regional and specialist publishers’ associations. Through its members, IPA represents thousands of individual publishers around the world who service markets containing more than 5.6 billion people. For the topic of sustainability, the IPA has taken an active role to both prioritize sustainability within its membership and to utilize the global goals to develop key programs and activities as part of the Inclusive Publishing and Literacy Committee, chaired by Michiel Kolman, former IPA President (2018 -2020).

Visit the IPA SDG dashboard to view details of SDG initiatives from global publishers and organizations.